Similarly there areĮxcellent free youtube series on vba and programming concepts. There are also tutorials on database concepts, data modelling. There are several good tutorials on business analysis and requirements gathering, flow charts, data flow diagrams and use cases. Of database generally that you want to pursue. You haven't mentioned any particular aspect I have been in database for several years and as the others have said - I learn new things and ask advice regularly. I agree with Tom and Scott - there are many good tutorials and you can get great help from forums. There aren't any, "expert" exams in Access as there are, for example, for EXCEL. This might be a good starting place (assuming it's not too simple for you):. Having done so for almost two years I have to believe there is a better way. Every "expert" I have encountered locally when asked "How do I get where you are?" gives me essentially the same answer. I was hoping something similar existed for Office products. I know in other forums I have seen where someone put together a logical list of resources, books, on-line courseware, classroom is insufficient for the new task at hand.
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That whatever knowledge and skill I think I have based on self-study, trial and error, etc. However, each time I think I have reached the place I need professionally there comes a time and place when I discover
Can anyone provide a roadmap to becoming an expert in using Microsoft Access? In my work I use Access day.